Cómo preparar un currículum.

Cómo preparar un currículum irresistible para portales de búsqueda de empleo En el competitivo mundo laboral actual, un currículum bien diseñado es tu pase de entrada a las oportunidades laborales. Es la primera impresión que los empleadores tienen de ti, y en muchos casos, la única oportunidad para captar su atención. Por eso, es crucial […]

How to write a good customer service CV

Think back over your life. Think about the people that had a positive influence on you. If your past was like mine, many of them didn’t realize the impact they made. The influence was usually due to them caring about you and doing some little thing. “You might remember the Dell computer commercials in which […]

Attract More Attention Sales And Profits

Think back over your life. Think about the people that had a positive influence on you. If your past was like mine, many of them didn’t realize the impact they made. The influence was usually due to them caring about you and doing some little thing. “You might remember the Dell computer commercials in which […]